...and, god help us all! To be clear, I mean "all" as in Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, Libertarian, as well as far left, far right, the middle, up, down, etc.
Just thought I'd acknowledge both the new year and our incredible country at work. This isn't the place to debate how, why, and especially not who, will lead us after the election. By the time you read this, maybe the New Hampshire primary will have ended and the political pundits will be in full force...let's enjoy the long bumpy ride!
Also in 2012: the Summer Olympics will come. For those of us in Chicago, let me remind you: "summer" clearly is just a rumor - allegedly it gets here in a few months. For those that miss the tons of snow as much as I do...here's just a couple of heart-warming visuals for you from last year's blizzard, Chicago's 3rd worst, all-time blizzard. Ahhh, the memories...

Blog interruption: to all of you that are employed - before you delete this or go back to work or browsing or emailing, please read the last paragraph of today's blog, thanks! Your friends, family, peers will thank you for it!
Many job seekers have begun implementing new year's resolutions. Tell us how you plan to intensify (and hopefully end) your job search. We can use a boost, your tips, your energy, and your positive enthusiasm. I'm very interested in what your resolutions are, job search-related or not, please share them with us. In fact, making these goals very public increases the odds for success.

I'm thrilled that this blog has been added to an interesting web site which is loaded with great job searching information. It's based in Utah, but one doesn't have to be a Utahn (or do you say, Ute?) to benefit from checking it out, and I hope you do: www.careerient.com. Please let us know what you think of the site. Amy L. Adler, its president and founder, is an expert resume writer and career strategist.
The excuses are over folks..."nobody hires in December", "nobody's in the office", "nobody wants to focus on work", "they all focus on Christmas parties". Am I missing any? As I suggested a year ago in this blog, check out the 1979 film, "Kramer Vs. Kramer" for one of the best, urgent and desperate December job interviewing scenes ever written. The lines that Dustin Hoffman says to the interviewer, lines that I wish we could use, at the end of his interview with an advertising agency...during their office Christmas party, no less:

"This is a one day offer. You saw my book, you know I can handle the work. You're gonna have to let me know today, not at the end of the holidays. If you want me,
make a decision right now."

It's January - time to get serious, again. Here's a good piece from The Savvy Intern, by Mark Babbitt, called "The Three 'P' Statements to Guarantee a Great Interview". How do you feel about these statements? Have any other ideas you want to share?
And, once you've gotten past those three 'P' statements in the interview, and you are learning about the company, the position, the interviewer - do you take notes? Do you have strong opinions about this? Please share your thoughts. Here's a piece I found helpful from The Ladders, "Taking Notes in the Job Interview".
Networking events - time to share with you some good networking events and organizations to consider:

Tuesday, January 10: Network After Work at Crimson Lounge This is a pretty good group. They have monthly events and have a very large turnout, as many as 400 people. It's both social and business networking, only $10 in advance and a pretty solid group of people attend. Definitely worth trying at least once.

Wednesday, January 25: Social Media Club of Chicago at Morningstar. If you have interest in learning more about social media, meeting many smart, young professionals in the social media world, then this too is a great group for you. Click HERE for some initial information, via Facebook. They always take place at very unique locations each month. Last month's was at the Chicago Tribune Museum.

Jewish Vocational Services (all are welcome) Some good presentations coming up, free, and these also are great networking opportunities:
Friday, January 20: Social Networking and Linked In
Thursday, January 26: Networking and Crafting Your Elevator Speech

Enough for now, let's get back to it. And a suggestion for many of you who are employed: you all know more than one person in the job hunt. Go out of your way, at least once this month, get in touch, offer to help. You all know someone who can help them, I'm certain. Not someone who can offer them a job, but you all do know someone who can help, who can network, who can get them one step or one person closer to landing. Don't wait, don't think about it, don't say "Larry's right"...just help them. Now, not next week. It's nuts out there!
Here's a challenge: jump into the comments section below and tell us what your specific commitment is to help your friend or relative this month. Mind you, many of them do read this blog too, but hey, no pressure!
thanks for reading!