How was your December? Were you glad when 2010 ended? Do you remember December? What excites you about 2011? Do join in the discussion, and let us know! I've mentioned before that so many
people rationalize, throughout the year, how some specific month is the worst month to look for a job. You can also say how that SAME month can be the best month to look.
Take December. A terrible month, the worst month to job hunt, right? Everything seems to be on hold, hiring managers waiting for the new year; so many Christmas parties taking up so much free time; people focused on upcoming vacations, etc.

But, in December, this contrarian believes, many people’s pace at work slows considerably. They actually may have time to not only return your email or phone call, they may actually ANSWER the phone! Even if their workday is still crazy, they do attend these Christmas parties, and more parties = more opportunities to network! Stay tuned for next December, when I'll post links to articles about taking advantage of these increased opportunities to make great connections.
What’s gone on with you all since my last blog post? Comment, and tell us, please.
For me, the first two weeks of December were the best weeks for me in almost two years of this current job search. Two opportunities came in by that old reliable method: timing,
networking, and luck!

Currently I'm working on a three month marketing project manager role with Walgreens.
So, the latest score: 2 part time jobs done, now have one 3 month freelance job and 1 part time position.
It was quite an unpredictable end to my year.
Tell us about yours!
I’m hearing from many in my network who have recently landed, and hope to hear your successes here too.

For you newer grads or for friends of yours who may be new to this job hunting adventure, there's a nice piece from the "New Grad Life" blog about
Linked In, and mistakes to avoid.
Can't put in a posting without wondering if there are any great networking opportunities are around the corner? Please, comment, tell us. Here's what I can recommend:

For you marketing folk, and anyone who is interested specifically in millenial marketing and the college and university marketplace, be sure to attend the Feb. 23 University of Chicago Marketing Roundtable. Click here to register for this event and to be included on their listserv to learn about future roundtables. You don't need to be an alum or connected to U. of C. in any way and they are FREE! They even offer discount parking. They take place downtown at the Gleacher Center.

What do you all know about Meetups? They are free to join, and they are an excellent way to network, socialize, get involved, meet others who share your interests, no matter what that interest is! Click their
homepage and explore.
You enter your interests - you won’t believe how specific these groups can be, for networking, work-related, family, sports, anything - and they’ll notify you of groups that exist in your area.
You can join the group, explore that group’s page, see all the other members’ bios, learn about past and upcoming events, and decide whether or not you’d be interested.
Finally, a couple interesting articles I found in Yahoo worth checking out. "The And Factor""Job Search Using Online Niche Job Boards"and finally:
"I want to Be a Bumble Bee: Think about the Animal Job Interview Question"A lot to digest, I know. Please folks, comment, respond, argue, agree, let us hear your voices! Forward, share, post. And remember: believe it or not, winter is over in just two days!! That's right...pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training!