Gee Larry, why the 1994 Nancy Kerrigan picture? First, why not? But also, her infamous whine, "Why me!?", came to mind for me recently after a very tough miss - not being chosen for an excellent, unique, and challenging job I wanted, oh I really, really wanted it, awfully bad ("why not me!?"). They chose someone else...but after sending some thank you emails for the excellent opportunity to be included as a candidate...I must say I'm pretty amazed at how fast I jumped out of that deep funk. What a huge change in perspective for me from just two years ago.

It's a given, but maybe I should mention that I'm always happy to help anyone in their networking efforts, job search, business development, etc. For that reason, always feel free to connect with me on Linked In at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/llabow and I'm happy to help, forward a connection request, etc.

"Holiday" parties. They're here. What do we do about it. For those still in a job search, it's a great opportunity to get out there, make new or renewed connections. Before you go, have a look at this article written by Phil Rosenberg of www.reCareered.com called "10 Job Search Holiday Party Fails" http://bit.ly/dJXA6r
Now you're prepared, right? Hopefully you've got a full stack of business cards ready...here are a few interesting events to check out!
Thur. Dec. 16: Chicago Social Media Club Holiday Event "Lessons Learned"
http://smcchicago1210.eventbrite.com/ Tickets are pretty reasonable if purchased by Dec. 15. Mad Men themed dress is encouraged, with prizes for the most creative.
Tues. Dec. 14: The BNC/SYNC Holiday Party...
http://bnc-sync-holidayparty.eventbrite.com/ Again, discounted tickets until Dec. 13.
Wed. Dec. 8: The 9th Annual Acronym Bash...this event is excellent, but costly.
http://www.acronymbash.org/ For those in marketing, advertising, and PR industries.
As always, your comments, debates, disagreements, thoughts, encouragement, forwards and followings are very welcome. If you're here in Chicago, I hope you enjoy the snow that's allegedly on its way!!