Dear Readers,
The Herman Wouk quote in the title above tickled me. He's long been one of my favorite writers. If you've never read any of his Pulitzer Prize winning work, you're missing out (a huge understatement). There's a really nice piece on him in the April 19 issue of Newsweek. (at right, in Jerusalem, 1955)
Why not have a look if you're not familiar with this American treasure:http://www.newsweek.com/id/236028
Ok, marketing folks in Chicago: both those in transition and you that are blessed with full time employment and regular paychecks. Perhaps you've recently been to networking events that were crowded, had a speaker or two, sometimes interesting and fruitful, sometimes not. Sometimes costly.
Here's one that is very low key, very inexpensive, includes free appetizers, and hosted by...your favorite blogger. The next AMA (American Marketing Association) Downtown Meetup will be this Friday, April 16, 5:30pm at Pazzo's, 311 S. Wacker, in Chicago (across the street of the Sears Tower http://www.pazzoscucina.com/ ). I'll be hosting three more after this week's Meetup - May 17, June 21 & September 20. Besides the very relaxed, friendly, and easy networking, we'll run the "Hot Seat" format.
What's the Hot Seat format? Hot Seat allows you to leverage the room full of marketing experts to get some free consulting on your current marketing challenges. Or, if you're in the audience it's an opportunity to flex your brain and show off your skills. The marketing challenges can be related to a specific campaign, job search or even a new idea you'd like to evaluate. You can fudge the names to protect the guilty, but please keep these to real-life situations, not theoretical scenarios.
Hot Seat volunteers have two minutes to lay out the case, followed by one minute of clarification questions (if needed). Then you have a fast and furious three minutes where the audience offers their best tips to solve your challenge.
Interested? Want more information? Send me a comment to today's blog post, I'll be happy to tell you more. Or you can go to: http://www.meetup.com/ChiAMA/ to learn more, and you can join this Meetup group (free). Currently the group has over 1,000 marketing professionals. But don't worry, the restaurant's room only holds about 30 people.
As always, I anxiously welcome your comments, thoughts, alternate views, ideas for blog discussion, and questions. I continue to hope that you find these posts worthy of forwarding to your network, retweeting, facebooking, and that you become a follower of this blog.
Readers: I will moderate all comments posted in order to prevent what most of us consider to be very inappropriate, offensive language, as well as block unwanted spams.
Meanwhile, it's 75 degrees in Chicago, in April, and if I'm not mistaken, my running shoes are whining for me to take them out for a quick run. I hope your tax season ends nicely, wasn't too painful, and that your tax returns are all nonfiction!